Tag Archives: Getting The Most Out Of College Classes

How to Get the Most Out of Your Classes

How to Get the Most Out of Your Classes // eyeliner wings & pretty things

So this isn’t necessarily aboutĀ Getting Straight A’s, it’s more about actually gaining something of value. Grades are important but it’s also important to get the most out of your classes, especially because they’re most likely expensive as hell. They also take up a huge chunk of time in your life and if you’re going to be spending time and money, you definitely want to be adding something valuable to your life!

They also take up a huge chunk of time in your life and if you’re going to be spending time and money, you definitely want to be adding something valuable to your life! Sometimes the classes you predict will be the most irrelevant and asinine end up being the classes that help better your life orĀ help you gain knowledge you can use in the future. For me, the class I thought would be a waste of my life was Community Psychology and it ended up shifting my perspective, teaching me lessons that I can apply to real life and I even ended up using it as inspiration for some blogs and articles!

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