Tag Archives: College

How to Write Papers in College That Stand Out

How to Write Papers in College That Stand Out - Writing Good Papers in College that stand out

Sometimes I genuinely like to write papers in college. Sometimes. I’ve noticed that my best work is often produced when I am writing about topics I have a passion for or genuine interest in….this, however, isn’t always plausible in college. But, there are ways around this. There are so many ways to write papers in college that stand out. And, by doing so, you can also make writing papers more, dare I say it, fun! I sound like a really peppy professor who says you’re going to do something fun in class but, really, it’s not fun at all (like the infamous group project assignment). Trust me. There’s a way to make your paper really great and earn an A while having a less miserable time writing them.

Now, not every paper is an opportunity to really take the bull by the horns and express yourself. Sometimes you have to write a twelve-page paper on a philosophical concept you neither understand nor care about. It happens. BUT, that being said, even the papers you don’t want to write can be good ones that stand out in the best way. Here’s how to do it.

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How to Save Money When Buying Gifts

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SaveWithHopster #CollectiveBias

How to Save Money When Buying Gifts

love gift giving and I especially love doing it without spending a bunch of money. There are a lot of ways to save money on gifts without skimping on the gift itself and I often take advantage of these. In fact, I usually start my Christmas shopping in October so I have plenty of time to hunt down the perfect present and get it at a great price. It also minimizes stress levels in December where I’ve already got my birthday, my final exams, final projects and other holiday-related things to worry about.

When it comes to gift giving it’s certainly not about what you pay for it…but paying less than you need to could never hurt. Here are some ways to save money on gifts this holiday season!

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16 College Essentials I Wish I’d Packed Sooner

16 College Essentials I Wish I'd Packed Sooner - Things I forgot to pack for college - college packing list

I began college as the queen of packing things I don’t need and I’m ending it as the queen of packing a LOT of crap, but a lot of it’s fairly important crap. I’ve certainly gotten better at narrowing down what’s essential and what isn’t.

I’ve also had a lot of  “I wish I’d thought of that sooner!” moments, especially when it comes to college essentials. Whether I see my friends using something I’d never thought to use in college or I have a divine revelation while browsing Pinterest, I’ve certainly discovered new college essentials along the way.

There are so many things that I wish I’d bought sooner for college, and as I near the end of college I’ve started to reflect on it. After four years, it’s fairly clear to me how many things I really didn’t need to pack for college and how many things I’m very glad I did. Here are some of those things. Hopefully you’ll get these essentials sooner than I did!

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8 Ways College Changes You

8 Ways College Changes You/Ways You Change When You Go To College

College changes you…really. I know that sounds like some b.s. quote your parents tell you or that the parents on Boy Meets World or Full House would say. It sounds dramatic and college is by no means some magical transformative experience, but I find that I’m not the same person I was four years ago. I can firmly say I am a different person than I was when I first started college. In fact, through every section of schooling from middle school to high school to college, I’ve found myself becoming closer to the person I want to be or maybe the person I’ve always been. Deep.

Overall, I can say that there are a lot of ways college changes you. These will not apply to everyone and they’ll often apply at different levels. I can only really take from my experience. Anyway, here are some ways you change when you go to college…based on some ways I did.

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