7 Apps Every College Student Needs

7 Apps Every College Student Needs // eyeliner wings & pretty things
It’s safe to say that a lot of us rely on our phones for nearly everything. These are all must-have apps for college students that range from health to academics to finances to life in general. While the most-used apps tend to be the least productive ones (ie: Facebook, Snapchat), these apps will help add more usefulness and productivity to your phone. Yay!

These apps for college students (or humans in general) are sure to benefit your life someway or another.

1. Plant Nanny

This will make you feel like an unfit mother if you don’t drink enough water. Your adorable plants literally die. This app made me guilt-drink water which, I guess, is better than un-guiltily drinking no water at all? It did keep me drinking enough water for a month and a half but then, like many things in life, the college student in me was like f*** this, I’ll drink water when I feel like it, these plants are FAKE. Hopefully you fare better with this app, ’cause it’s actually a pretty good app.

2. Dollarbird

This app is far more efficient for tracking your finances than a note on the Notes app. It’s also perfect if you want to see what you’re spending your money on. Seriously, I used to keep track of my paychecks and spending on a messy, unorganized note. This app is awesome for showing you how much you spend on what–I spend a lot less on makeup this month and a lot more on books. Yay? Sort of? Nonetheless, this app is perfect for staying on top of your money.

3. Google Drive

Google Drive allows you to access files from your laptop on your phone and your phone on your laptop and blah blah.  If you’re in college, you definitely know this app. It’s the bomb if you’re like me and always want to be able to access your files from computer to phone to computer.

4. VSCO Cam

At this point, everyone who’s anyone has heard of this photo editing app. I mentioned it in my guide to editing the perfect selfie and I use it to edit every photo. If you’re into Instagram or just like to boost the beauty in your pictures, this app is a major key. There’s also a grid where you can share/show off pictures and keep them all in one place, which is convenient for sticking to your aesthetic. Also, I just learned you can copy and paste your edits onto pictures. If you have a “secret formula” for all of your Instagrams, you can easily copy and paste it onto new photos.

5. Evernote

This app allows you to make a ton of lists and notes and reminders that can be accessed via computer and phone. You can also share notes, which is convenient–my boyfriend and I have a shared note where we both add places we want to go together on it, it’s perfect and pretty cute. I use this app mostly to make lists and I love that I can edit the lists on my laptop and phone whenever I want.

6. GroupMe

Group chats are a necessary evil. This app makes them a lot easier and more efficient, plus it gives you the ability to manage chats and turn them off (thank goodness). This is one of the best apps for college students because you can simultaneously and easily have chats with your group project members, housemates, friends from home and so on. It’s perfect for keeping in touch with everyone and keeping it organized. You can also make memes out of your pictures on this app, which is always a good time.

7. Dictionary.com App

Maybe it’s just the word-loving nerd in me, but this app is the bomb. I love quickly looking up words I don’t know while reading and I love that you can favorite words. As someone who literally has a list of her favorite words, this is ace. The immature twelve year old in me also loves typing in words such as “butthole” or “anus” and abusing the speak option where a tinny voice reads you the word aloud. I could laugh for hours because, you know, what’s a better study break than hearing a voice say butthole? Nothing.

I hate ending this post on an odd number, but any other app I were to add onto this would be filler or me bullshitting just to finish the post. Pinterest and Instagram are probably my most used apps, but they’re really not necessary to be a thriving college student. Actually, you might be better off without them. They’re addictive as hell. 

What are your favorite apps?
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