29 things no one ever told you about being in your 20s

things no one ever told you about being in your 20s

I know it’s best to blog what you know buuut I don’t know much these days. I have two cats, a job I like, a few close friends, and uncertain future plans! Also, my blog turned four years old today but I’m more sad about it than happy.

When I started this I was a sophomore in college and this blog was everything to me. I grew it and it peaked when I was a junior in college until it sort of plateaued where it is now. I can’t even say I’m working on changing that. Admittedly, I’m waiting for the next phase of my life (moving out??) to eventually happen and hopefully spark some inspiration and blogging energy.

Anywho. Writing about what I know! Well, I’m in my 20s (barely, I’m 22) and I’ve noticed a few fun and not-so-fun things no one ever told me about this phase of life. So yeah! Here are things no one ever told you about being in your 20s from someone who is literally 22. Maybe they’ll be of use to you.

1. So many people will disappoint you. Let them. Take note. Move forward.

2. You’re allowed to spend money on things even if they feel dumb, even if you have big dreams of owning a house and going on trips.

3. It’s OK to live at home because you’re trying to save money but you’re also terrified of taking a jump that you can’t really undo.

4. You’ll doubt yourself and your capabilities every single day! Whether you doubt if you really know how to cook pasta or if you’re actually good at your job. That’s OK, too.

5. Sometimes you just have to jump without thinking about the consequences and all of the laundry list of anxieties. And it’s OK if you have a sinking feeling in your chest for a week, two weeks that follow.

6. You don’t have to explain everything to everyone. Sometimes things just change.

7. Not every single relationship or chunk of your life needs a label. Nor does it need to be permanent.

8. It’s OK to hate the person you were a few years ago or even a few hours ago. Just remember that that’s not you all the time.

9. Sometimes you have to impart tough love for the sake of your own self.

10. Don’t let other people pull you down when they’re drowning and you’re trying to swim. Hand them a life preserver and tell them where you’ll be, but keep swimming without them. Maybe they’ll catch up.

11. The people who bring you peace and don’t force you to conjure up levels of effort just to spend time with? Keep them. Hold on them. It’s OK if you don’t talk every single day.

12. Remember your good days. Save kind notes. Write down praise at work or sweet things people have said to you. You might need it someday.

13. Only buy things that you need or love (bonus if it’s both). There doesn’t really have to be an in between.

14. Taking photos is lovely, but take videos. Take so many videos, especially of small moments, especially during candid moments. Record what makes you smile and what makes you laugh. Record yourself laughing and smiling (not in a creepy way, you get what I mean). You’ll want to look back one day.

15. It’s alright if your big plans change. If your dream job turns out to suck. If you don’t want to live in the city after all. It’s OK to change your mind and keep changing it.

16. You’re never stuck. Being stuck just means you need a bit of a change. Keep trying until you feel unstuck, it’s OK if you need help.

17. Find joy in the most mundane, simple things whenever you can. Coffee sweetened just right. The library having your favorite book. Your nail polish perfectly matching your shirt. Small joys are there if you just remember to look.

18. Things don’t go as planned. You’ll be all right, just figure something else out. It’s OK to cry or be stressed or panic. But just know that you’ll get back on course, whatever that course might be.

19. You should plan trips and make lists of places you want to go and things you want to do, but remember the best things are oftentimes the ones you didn’t plan for and didn’t expect.

20. It’s OK if you go to bed at 10 p.m. even though you’re in your 20s and feel like you should be partying or “living it up” when in reality you just want to be in your pajamas doing nothing. Do nothing as much as you want.

21. You don’t always have to compromise, but things don’t have to be your way or the highway. Pick your battles and know when to stand your ground … but also know when to meet in the middle.

22. Not every friendship is worth keeping and not every friendship has to end with a bang, blowup, or deep talk. It’s OK to let something mutually fade out. And it’s OK if you change your mind down the road.

23. It’s OK to turn down an invitation or say you can’t do something whether it’s because of the cost or simply because you don’t feel like doing it. Just be honest about it.

24. Don’t worry if you don’t know what your next move is or when you’re going to make your next move.

25. Unless you absolutely have to for some reason, don’t spend time with people you don’t like! It doesn’t matter if you were best friends or they’re a friend of a friend. Your time is precious and limited … don’t waste it on garbage people.

26. You don’t have to justify the things you like to anyone. Like what you like!

27. Some people your age are lost and trying to find a job and trying to figure their life out. Some of them are already married and putting a down payment on a house. Who cares? You’re going at your own speed.

28. Start saving money now! Seriously, even if it’s not much. It’ll (probably) pay off later.

29. No one actually knows what they’re doing! It’s terrifying but try to find some comfort in that.

What are some things no one ever told you about being in your 20s?


What is your favorite dorm decor idea?

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