Tag Archives: Wardrobe Essentials

The best things in my post-grad wardrobe

things everyone should have in their post-grad wardrobe // best things in my post-grad wardrobe

I’ve written about post-grad essentials and items to toss, but I’ve never really examined my own wardrobe. Now that I’ve been out of college for more than two years, I think I have a sense of which items I wear often and which I really don’t.

Read on for things everyone should have in their post-grad wardrobe, which is basically the best things in my post-grad wardrobe that I wear all of the time.

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Fall Wardrobe Essentials

Fall Wardrobe Esentials // eyelinerwings&prettythings

I’m pretty sure autumn is my favorite season. I’m a huge lover of jeans and the fall colors like black, burgundy and khaki green and they’re definitely my favorite colors to wear. Nothing brings me more joy than boots and cozy sweaters–plus, the falling leaves are absolutely gorgeous.

Also, all of the bugs of summer start to disappear which is a fantastic bonus. Anyways, here are some fall wardrobe essentials that your autumn style would be ~incomplete~ without!…

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