Tag Archives: Uncertainty

6 tips for dealing with uncertainty

Tips for dealing with uncertainty - how to deal with uncertainty / ew & pt

hate uncertainty.

Funny enough, I enjoy surprises. But, surprises make me anxious. And that’s a special exception when it comes to uncertainty.

If there’s a plan, I want to know where it is, what time it’s at and who’s going to be there. If I plan a trip, I need color-coded spreadsheets and itineraries. Specific dates and times are everything,

I’m a bit type A in the sense that I love having a plan, following the plan, and being done with it. That being said, I can appreciate spontaneity  — but nine times out of 10, I’m going to choose structure. I am someone who craves stability and certainty.

In life, especially post-grad life, so much is uncertain! Jobs, living situations, finances, and even where you could be in a month are somewhat up in the air.

Needless to say, I haven’t been handling it incredibly well.

But, I have discovered some strategies that are gradually helping me deal with uncertainty Here are some tips for dealing with uncertainty without losing your mind.

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