Tag Archives: Quizzes Everyone Should Take

The 4 useful personality quizzes everyone should take

4 useful personality quizzes everyone should take

I am a fiend for quizzes.

When I was a mere tween, I would go nuts over magazines like QuizfestM, and POPSTAR and I would rip out every single quiz. What perfume will make your crush like you? What haircut is best for you? What’s your flirting style?

I was obsessed. And, once I had earned the ~elusive~ access to the “family computer,” I would spend my allotted computer time taking a load of quizzes on the internet. Yes, tell me who my celebrity crush should be. Tell me what kind of friend I am!

There’s something comforting about being able to shove a label or category to yourself, even if it’s that if you were a fragrance you’d be Curious by Britney Spears.

My love for quizzes never stopped, it just evolved. And I’ve realized that some quizzes help you better understand yourself or give you a sense that you’re not alone — someone understands you, finally.

When it comes to quizzes, I’ve taken a whole lot of them. Here are all of the most useful personality quizzes I recommend. because I truly believe these quizzes can make your life better and will help you feel a little bit more understood.

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