Tag Archives: One Year Blogiversary

1 Year Blogiversary: Lessons Learned After Running A Blog For A Year

One Year Blogaversary: What I've Learned After 1 Year Blogging / Blogging Lessons Learned

It’s eyeliner wings & pretty things’ one year blogiversary! I can’t believe that just one year ago I started my own blog and it’s grown to what it is today. eyeliner wings & pretty things has officially turned one and I feel like a proud mom. Above is me eating some chocolate chip cookies full of food coloring in a celebratory fashion.

Like, excuse my language but holy shit, this has taught me that a year flies by. There are so many posts that I forget even writing and so many things I forget even accomplishing. I bought a domain, became self-hosted, join blogger networks, did sponsored campaigns, got some freebies, wrote over 100 posts and generally just build a brand. Also, I got business cards which is the coolest most adult-y thing I have ever done.

I thought I’d share some of my blogging lessons learned after blogging for one year, because what better way to celebrate than a bit of self-reflection?

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