Tag Archives: Making More Money

Early Career Guide to… Asking for a Raise

early career guide to asking for raise - how to ask for raise early in career

It’s been a while! I just turned 23 and I don’t have much to say about it, but, there’s that!

Full disclosure, I’ve been really busy with my full-time job and I just don’t feel like I’ve had much to say lately. I feel like I’m just waiting for my next step to blog about, like moving out or getting married or having kids blah blah whatever comes after college.

But as I’ve said before, I’m very much in that in-between state … but I realized recently that my huge focus right now is crushing my career goals. And I guess that means I sort of am in a state, one that involves loving my first full-time job post-grad, building the stepping stones for my future,  and really learning what it’s like to advocate for myself and showcase my achievements so I can keep moving up.

So, inspired by that I decided to kick off an “early career” series for my fellow ambitious folks who are just starting out post-grad, too. First up? Let’s talk about getting more money!

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