Tag Archives: Lasting Friendships In College

How to tell if your college friendships are built to last

how to tell if your college friendships are built to last - building lasting friendships in college

I think most people hope to find lasting friendships in college and I’m really happy that I truly feel I have. But, with that being said, I’ve had dozens of friendships in college that more or less ended at graduation. Not in a bad way or in a particularly sad way…it’s just how life is sometimes. Some friendships last for a long time and others don’t.

But, even in college, there are some tell-tale signs a friendship has the potential to last a long time. There’s no magic formula for friendship. And, sometimes you’d be surprised at who you end up staying close with. But, here are some questions to ask yourself when trying to figure out if a friendship might last for a long time.

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