Tag Archives: Getting A Job

5 things that won’t actually help you get an editorial job + what to do instead

How to get an editorial job in the magazine and media industries - what to do and what not to do / ew & pt

I’m quite a career-driven person. Since high school, I’ve been trying to figure out ways to get my work published, to work my way into the editorial world, and to push myself closer to the job of my dreams. Sometimes this “research” included watching classic journalism-y rom-coms like “The Devil Wears Prada” or “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” or my favorite, “13 Going on 30.”

OK that wasn’t research so much as me just aspirationally finding good reasons to watch early 2000s rom-coms … but there were a lot of things (especially in college) that I feel like I believed (or others told me) would be super useful in my future editorial career endeavors. Now, as an associate editor in my dream field, I have a new perspective! As you might imagine, as much as I’ve appreciated a lot of advice over the years, there are some things that weren’t nearly as helpful as I thought they’d be in terms of my career ambitions and there are a few things I wish I’d done differently.

Here are some things that aren’t as helpful in terms of your future editorial/media career as you might think. Of course, I am but one individual with a lot of thoughts who works in the editorial world but is hardly qualified to share advice. Again, these are based on my experience!

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