Tag Archives: Diy Neon Dipped

DIY Neon-Dipped Alphabet Magnets

DIY Alphabet Magnets: Neon-Dipped // via eyeliner wings & pretty things

I’m pretty sure I saw something sort of  like this on Pinterest. I know I saw metallic spray painted letters on Pinterest but this I’m not so sure. Anyway, I bought two sets of alphabet magnets from the dollar store and decided I was going to make them DIY’d and beautiful for the fridge in my college townhouse this year! These are perfect for mini fridges in dorms, actual regular sized fridges and just about anything magnetic.  They are really easy to customize and change up the colors! So, ladies (and very few gents), here are how to make these DIY alphabet magnets. There are also a ton of tips and things not to do sprinkled throughout! Read More →