Tag Archives: College

How To Figure Out What to Do With Your Major

What Should I Do With My Major?! // How To Figure Out What to Do With Your Major - ew & pt

I’m pretty sure the amount of people who have chosen a major and know exactly what they want to do with it is a lot lower than we all think. Like, even if you have chosen your major and you sort of know what you want to do, you might have doubts and question yourself and wonder if that’s really what you want to do or if that’s what you think you want to do and…you know what I mean.

Once you’ve finally chosen a major (Pssst…check out my How To Choose A Major  and Signs You Chose The Right Major before reading this!), you’re on a great track but you need to keep going from there. It’s great you know which field you want to be in, but now you need to start to find your place. Honestly, I’m pretty sure of what I want to do but sometimes there are those moments where I question myself–nothing in life is totally certain, but having at least a sort of idea of where you want your major to take you is always helpful.

There are so many careers out there or paths that exist that you might not have ever considered, so hopefully this little post can help you start to think about just what you’re going to do with your major.

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How To Balance School, Work & A Social Life

How To Balance School, Work & A Social Life - Balancing Your Life // eyeliner wings & pretty things
Are you overwhelmed right now? If you are, you shouldn’t be. Just kidding. Life is incredibly overwhelming and when you’re ambitious AF it can be even more overwhelming. When you’re really overwhelmed you have a few options: buy a bunch of puppies and kittens and cuddle with them until your life sorts itself out, quit everything, develop superpowers or figure out a way to balance your life.

I chose option one but unfortunately the last option is the only viable one for now. While I do have the occasional “How can I possibly do all of these things!???!!” mini meltdown, my life is gradually becoming balanced and these tips on balancing your life will hopefully help you as much as they’ve helped me.

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College Girl’s Ultimate Fall Bucket List

College Girl's Ultimate Fall Bucket List - Things to Do In The Fall // ew & pt

Fall is basically here and I’m so excited. I love fall and flannels and boots and the pretty leaves. Honesty, fall is probably the most aesthetically pleasing season. Outdoors looks gorgeous and the fall color schemes are always bomb. This fall bucket list will help you figure out some ideas of things to do during this season and ensure you get the most out of one of the most wonderful season!

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12 Bad Habits to Avoid In College

12 Bad Habits to Avoid In College

While I’ve written a whole post about Good Habits You Should Start Now, bad habits are (obviously) a lot easier to get into. Isn’t that always the case? It’s always a lot easier to do the wrong thing than it is to do the right thing and it’s always easier to stay up until two in the morning and eat pizza and chips than it is to go to bed at a ~reasonable~ time and eat some spinach.

These are some bad habits I found myself and my peers getting stuck in throughout college and I’m hoping that I can help you avoid them or stop them if you already do them. I’m also totally hoping that writing this can help me actually stop all of these bad habits. So far so good. Without further ado here are twelve bad habits to avoid in college.

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