Tag Archives: Bad Habits College Students Have

12 Bad Habits to Avoid In College

12 Bad Habits to Avoid In College

While I’ve written a whole post about Good Habits You Should Start Now, bad habits are (obviously) a lot easier to get into. Isn’t that always the case? It’s always a lot easier to do the wrong thing than it is to do the right thing and it’s always easier to stay up until two in the morning and eat pizza and chips than it is to go to bed at a ~reasonable~ time and eat some spinach.

These are some bad habits I found myself and my peers getting stuck in throughout college and I’m hoping that I can help you avoid them or stop them if you already do them. I’m also totally hoping that writing this can help me actually stop all of these bad habits. So far so good. Without further ado here are twelve bad habits to avoid in college.

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