Tag Archives: Bad Day Help

8 Ways To Fix a Bad Day

8 Ways To Fix a Bad Day - Bad Day Remedies // ew & pt

Sometimes you’re just having a crappy day. There’s no exact way to solve a bad day or simply make everything sunshine and rainbows, but there are a few ways to make a bad day a little less bad. Honestly, you have nothing to lose with these tips. The worst that’ll happen from trying these bad day fixes is that you smell nice and get well-rested.

You can’t always make a bad day better, but you can definitely avoid making it worse. It’s kind of like if you’re trapped in the middle of an ocean with no one around and no land as far as your eyes can see. You can’t really rescue yourself but you can stay afloat and not sink further into the water. I suck at metaphors but you get what I mean, right? Anyway, here are some ways to fix a bad day…or at least prevent it from getting worse.

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