Tag Archives: 20s

29 things no one ever told you about being in your 20s

things no one ever told you about being in your 20s

I know it’s best to blog what you know buuut I don’t know much these days. I have two cats, a job I like, a few close friends, and uncertain future plans! Also, my blog turned four years old today but I’m more sad about it than happy.

When I started this I was a sophomore in college and this blog was everything to me. I grew it and it peaked when I was a junior in college until it sort of plateaued where it is now. I can’t even say I’m working on changing that. Admittedly, I’m waiting for the next phase of my life (moving out??) to eventually happen and hopefully spark some inspiration and blogging energy.

Anywho. Writing about what I know! Well, I’m in my 20s (barely, I’m 22) and I’ve noticed a few fun and not-so-fun things no one ever told me about this phase of life. So yeah! Here are things no one ever told you about being in your 20s from someone who is literally 22. Maybe they’ll be of use to you.

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