16 quick and easy tasks that’ll improve your life

16 quick and easy tasks that'll improve your life

Like most people, I don’t think I’ve ever really stuck to a new year’s resolution. I also don’t think I’ve ever really achieved goals that I set in January. Generally, throughout the year, I’ll stick to resolutions and work toward goals for about a month tops before I give up or forget about them.

So, I try to make the whole thing a bit more palatable. Tiny, practical steps that can be accomplished in (generally) less than one day. Sometimes even less than one hour.

So instead of trying to make some grand resolution or even in addition to doing that… here are some quick and easy things to do that’ll improve your life.

1. Delete apps you don’t use anymore.

Get yourself some extra phone storage for the new year! Now’s also a great time to sort your apps into folders.

2. Unfollow people on Twitter or Instagram.

Especially the ones who drive you nuts or bother you. Who cares if you have to break a “mutual” follow? Unfollow people who don’t bring you any joy… including people who you went to middle school with but haven’t actually spoken to in 10 years.

3. Unfriend people on Facebook.

Especially ones whose posts bother you. They might not even notice and, if they do, oh well!

4. Move photos off of your phone.

More phone space! While you’re at it, back some up onto your computer or a hard drive and organize them into folders. Your future self will be grateful.

5. Declutter your closet.

Sara Laughed shared a helpful spreadsheet and tips for doing a closet audit and I’m pretty sure I’m going to be doing this soon. Now’s a great time to donate any clothing you haven’t worn at all this season. It’s also a great time to get rid of things that you know you don’t feel comfortable in, including the jeans that are a smidge too tight and the sweater you have to adjust every two seconds every time you wear it.

Sometimes I like to pull a bunch of things I haven’t worn this season and I tell myself if I don’t wear them within a week, I’m donating them. It’s a good way to see how much you’d really miss something.

6. Sort through your food and snacks.

Toss anything you know you’re not going to eat. Also get rid of expired foods. While you’re at it, make your grocery list and take an inventory of the foods you do and don’t need to buy any time soon.

7. Clean off the surfaces in your room.

Literally clean them with disinfectant wipes and glass cleaner, but also do some decluttering. Personally, the top of my dresser, vanity, and nightstand get so cluttered with beauty products, jewelry and random notes to myself so I clean those first.

8. Wash your makeup brushes and toss old makeup.

A perfect way to kick off the new year! You can also take inventory of your makeup and note what to re-purchase and what to stop buying as you go.

9. Get rid of things you don’t really use.

Childhood board games you never actually play, bath bombs you meant to use but never did, recipe books you haven’t opened in a year… Go section by section in your home and create some donate and toss piles.

Read More: Hoarder’s guide to getting getting rid of junk

10. Make a list of things not to buy next year.

What’s something you keep decluttering? Or things you didn’t actually use? Take a mental note of things to stop buying in 2019. For me, it’s body sprays and probably necklaces!

Read More: How to buy less

11. Make a list of things you do need to buy next year.

Knowing in advance can help you shop around deals throughout the year. This is perfect to do as you purge your closet.

12. Set up anything you’ve been putting off.

Whether it’s a 401k, automated bill payments, or even an Etsy shop, now’s the time! This also applies to photos you’ve been putting off hanging or that IKEA bed frame that’s been sitting in its box for months.

13. Start planning for or saving for something to look forward to this year.

Whether you’re planning to start setting aside 5% of your paycheck each month or you physically book plane tickets to a place you’ve been eager to visit, having something to look forward to is one of the best ways to start your year!

Plus, if you book something now or start saving now, you’ll be able to take your time and start planning a trip whenever you’ve got some time to kill. This doesn’t have to be a trip, it can also be a special dinner, girls’ night in, a trip to visit your friend from high school who moved, an online course, or anything that makes you excited.

14. Unsubscribe from YouTube channels you don’t watch anymore.

I love using the subscriptions tab, so when it’s not cluttered with channels I haven’t watched in ages it makes watching YouTube videos a lot more efficient.

15. Schedule annual checkups for you (and your pets). 

The dentist, the eye doctor, etc! Book those appointments all at once and mark ’em in your calendar. And book an annual checkup for your pets if need be.

16. Take on the ew & pt 30 Day Adulting Challenge.

The full challenge can be found here. It’s a list of 30 ways to improve your life and make it a bit more organized while also getting your shit together! Hurray!

What do you hope happens this year?

Paige DiFiore Post Signature - Eyeliner Wings & Pretty Things

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