It’s been a year since I graduated from college, here are all of the things that have surprised me the most

One year after graduating college - here's everything that's surprised me the most: The most surprising things about graduating college

It’s been a year since I graduated from college aaaand I almost forgot. It feels like college was a lifetime ago even though I can still remember the layout of my dorm and my class schedules. But as I sat down to force myself to “reflect” on the past year, I realized that a lot of things have surprised me about the world, myself, and all that jazz.

Now that I’m a year post-grad, here are some things I wasn’t quite expecting.

I’m surprised how many people drastically switched their career paths

A lot of people I’d studied alongside have drastically changed their careers less than a year after graduating from college.  One girl I’d studied with had top PR internships with record labels nearly every other semester and she recently announced she’d be dropping everything to go abroad and teach English. Other journalism students I know decided to become teachers or work in advertising instead of at digital publications.

Of course, sometimes you just take a job for the sake of getting a job or sometime you realize your passions lie elsewhere…but I couldn’t believe quite how many people switched what they were pursuing so soon after graduation! This sort of goes to show that your major isn’t a contract and it doesn’t “trap” you in any certain field.

I’m surprised at how content I am about living at home at the moment

When I was younger (think 14 or 16 or so), I assumed I’d graduate from college, snag a job, and move out ASAP. But I’m presently in no rush to leave. As much as I keep saying I’d love to have my own space, decorate an apartment, and really ~kick off the next part of my life~ I’m surprisingly enjoying the time spent at home. I’ll never really get to live rent-free with my family ever again. It’s not nearly as tough as I thought.

I certainly expected that going from college (where I had a lot of independence) to living at home (where this independence is somewhat limited) would be a tough transition, but I’ve realized that I’m not really home all that often and I still am incredibly independent, just in different ways, like at work and on weekends. But I also know it’s OK to rely on my parents sometimes, I’m not sure what I’d do if they weren’t around to look after my kitties during my trips and late-night evenings in the city.

I’m surprised how much I’ve continued to grow

I mean I obviously didn’t expect that I’d graduate from college as exactly the person I am and am supposed to be, but I am a bit surprised at how much I’ve changed already. I’ve definitely started walking instead of running in terms of moving toward “the next steps in life” and it’s refreshing to see how OK I am with that. I just feel very OK with just being where I am and that’s something I’ve never really felt, especially not when I was in college.

Read More:  (A Very Honest) What College Taught Me

I’m surprised at how much I don’t really miss college

Some days I miss it but most of the time I just miss some people. I miss being in close physical proximity to my friends and sometimes I miss some of my professors and my pretty campus. Buuut, I still have structure (an 8:30 to 5:00 job and a lengthy commute is plenty of structure!) and I still have responsibilities. I still learn and write and edit every day at my job and I still keep in touch with friends.

I’m a lot more OK with being done with school than I thought I’d be. I mean, reference one of my first post-college posts! I was almost mourning the loss of schooling and feeling a bit confused…I can’t believe how much I’ve found my way since then.

I’m surprised at how much I enjoy not having plans

I’ve definitely gotten better at dealing with FOMO. I truly enjoy having nothing to do after work whereas in college I’d feel stressed and sort of sad if I didn’t have my schedule filled up every other evening. Now? I make a few plans per week but I appreciate my free time and fill it in with errands or miscellaneous fun things.

I’m surprised at how well I’ve kept some of my closest college friendships

I’m not surprised I’ve stayed friends with people but I guess I am pleasantly surprised that my friends and I still talk all of the time and have already gone on a girls’ trip together. It’s really nice to know that some of the connections I made in college have lasted and I hope to continue the girls’ trips and group texts for the years to come.

I’m surprised at where I’ve ended up in terms of career

Pleasantly surprised! I like my job, I like my company. It was something I never imagined doing at a place I hadn’t thought about much while I was in college. Life sort of has a way of working out and I’m happy to have found a job that fits me so well.
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