Tag Archives: Self Help

10 Ways You’re Sabotaging Yourself & How to Stop

10 Ways You're Sabotaging Yourself & How to Stop // Self Improvement, self help - eyeliner wings & pretty things

As always, a new year brings in a ton of self-reflection and resolutions, which inspired me to write this post. I was thinking about a lot of things I hope to change in the new year (which is a load of crap because you can just change whenever a new year is not necessary) and I thought, why not make it into a post? A lot of the things I’d like to improve on turned out to be things that are, in a way, sabotaging myself and my own happiness.

So, once again, here I am giving advice that I should also be taking. I need to stop giving good advice that I won’t take…definitely counting that as an unofficial number eleven on this list. Hopefully, if these are also ways you’re sabotaging yourself, you’ll make these changes with me.

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