Tag Archives: Post-grad

My Post-Grad Plans & 3 Year Blogaversary

Whaddup readers? That was weird, I just felt like I should start the post with that. I’m currently on the ~other end~ of a breakdown. These past two weeks have been hard. I cried. I stressed. I stayed up really late. I panicked many times. I bitched to everyone close to me that would listen. I drank wine. I was a mess.  And everything has settled just in time for eyeliner wings & pretty things’ three-year blogaversary (!!!)

Here I am! In my pajamas, leisuring while I could probably be doing homework. Watching Desperate Housewives (It’s so good! I’m addicted) has now filled in the time I used to spend applying for jobs and internships. Let me tell you, that was a lot of time. Here’s where I’m at…

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10 Things To Do After Graduation

Thank you GEICO for sponsoring this post.

10 Things To Do After Graduating College - Things to do after graduation // ew & pt

As a lot of you know, I’m graduating college this semester! As someone who is a huge worrier, I am already writing down all of the things I need to do when I graduate. And I’m also making dozens of spreadsheets.

I mean, this is it. I will, officially, be an adult. I can buy alcohol and I can rent an apartment but also I have to start paying even more attention to my credit score and savings. Post-grad life is going to be stressful but it’s also going to be exciting. Here’s exactly what’s on my to do list after I graduate.

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Post-Grad Wardrobe Guide: What to Buy & What to Toss

Post-Grad Wardrobe Guide: What to Buy & What to Toss // eyeliner wings & pretty things
Lately, I’ve been really reflecting on my wardrobe. I do this often, but now as I am nearing graduation I’ve gone over it with an extra scrutiny. I’ve pulled items I haven’t worn in a long time to the top of the piles and I started to really decide whether or not I want them or not.

This has also been a time of getting rid of clothes and downsizing. There’s been a creation of “the bag” (which I explain here) in the hall closet of our house and my friends and I have begun to fill it with shirts, dresses and other clothes we seriously don’t wear or don’t need to take with us when we move back in and embark on our post-grad life.

I’ve also been on the prowl for some post-grad wardrobe essentials, including lots of new tops that are casual enough to wear every day but nice enough to potentially wear to work (should I be lucky enough to get a job!). And so, this post-grad wardrobe guide post was born.

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