Tag Archives: Personal

I’m 21! 21 Lessons Learned in 21 Years + What I’m Looking Forward to


When I turned 19, I made a bunch of “Things to do before 20” post and when I turned 20, I followed up on that post but didn’t make new goals. You know, it’s fine. Though I don’t have any goals, I feel like I’ve accomplished so much in the past year. I’ve made so many strong connections with friends and professors. I’ve been getting grades I’m proud of and fixing my resume. I killed my final senior presentation…

This is my last birthday in college and it’s one of the last few “big” birthdays. Twenty-one! I can legally drink now, weee-ooo. I was a bit stumped for post ideas and so I decided to make a video and half of a blog post. I find that I’m particularly introspective and interesting when I’m talking about life lessons versus writing about them. Hopefully, they’ll be helpful to you, too.

And now, here are some things I’m looking forward to now that I’m twenty-one. Although not all of these are related to being twenty-one, a lot of them are just coming up soon!

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My Senior Year College Bucket List

Senior Year Bucket List for College - College Bucket List // eyeliner wings and pretty things

I am fairly awful at bucket lists. In fact, I touched upon it in my 19 things before 20 (revisited) post, where I essentially said I am garbage at creating vague, bucket-list-y lists and checking them off because I change my mind so often and have no idea what I want to do.

So, naturally, I created a senior year bucket list for my last year of college. I’m simply brilliant at sticking to what I say! But, my senior year bucket list is much more concrete and simplified. Plus, virtually everything on it is actually doable in the amount of time I have left of my senior year. In fact, I’ve already checked off a large chunk of the list. Here are just a few of the things on my senior year bucket list (most of them were food or coffee related but I’ve left them off because they’re super specific).

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London Travel Guide: My Trip, Travel Tips & Favorite Places to Visit

London Travel Guide: My Trip, Travel Tips & Favorite Places to Visit - things to do in london for millennials

Finally, I can say I’ve checked off a major item on my bucket list. I finally went to London! I’m not going to turn into one of those “Being abroad changed my LIFE! London has a piece of my heart!” people, but I will say it was a really cool place, I had a really fun time and I’d like to go back.

Through a school abroad program, I spent the past two weeks in London and other areas of the United Kingdom and they were absolutely amazing. Due to the terrible attacks in Borough Market and the London Bridge, my trip ended up not returning to London for the second week. Scarily, Borough Market and London Bridge were the two places I had been just a few hours before the attacks. What happened was awful and though myself and the other students on my trip wished to stay in London, our trip continued to Stratford-upon-Avon and was diverted to Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Portsmouth. All of these places were beautiful and I’m happy I got to experience them, and I hope to return to London someday. Even if I don’t, I still got to see and experience a lot of things. Here’s what I saw, did, loved and here are my tips for traveling to London (and other areas of the U.K.).

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2 year blogaversary + my favorite posts

blogaversary 2 years

I don’t normally post things like this and I hate when people start posts by saying “I don’t normally post things like this” but, alas, here I am. Two years! I started this blog two years ago. I was sitting on the couch in my living room, a few days in at my very first NYC internship and I decided to start a blog…

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