10 Easy Ways To Be Healthier

10 Easy Ways To Be Healthier // eyeliner wings & pretty things

The idea that we can simply become healthy is great but it’s pretty idealized. One cannot simply just “become healthy,” I think it’s pretty difficult to go from being a bit lazy and eating a lot of junk food to suddenly becoming a health maven who frequents the gym and entirely cuts out junk food. Not to mention the idea of being healthy is pretty difficult to concretely define.

These little ways to be healthier aren’t going to change your life, but they’re ways to help you be a bit more health conscious and they’ll be sure to improve your daily life, even if just by a small amount.

1. Try open-faced sandwiches.

Use one piece of bread instead of two. You get the same taste with less carbs, yay! Bonus if you eat your open-faced sandwich with a knife and fork, doing it this way will take you longer to eat which will allow your body more time to tell you that you are full.

2. Cut out sugary beverages.

One of the easiest ways to be healthier is to substitute water for other beverages. Once you stop drinking a ton of soda, juice and iced tea, you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel and how much sugar you’re cutting out of your diet. Try to avoid drinking your calories when you can.

3. Don’t eat out of the bag or box.

How easy is it to eat ice cream out of the carton and end up eating almost the entire thing? How easy is it to say you’ll eat a handful of chips but then you eat half of the bag? Too easy, my friends, too easy. Pour the serving size into plastic baggies or bowls or plates, avoid eating any snack directly from the package. Essentially, control your portions.

4. Out of sight out of mind.

Move unhealthy snacks in the back of your cabinets or far out of reach. Better yet, avoid buying them altogether. You can’t eat what you don’t have. Plus, the money you would’ve spent on snacks can go towards something fun, like a purse or a pair of boots.

5. Do squats while you wait.

This can also work well with calf raises. While you’re waiting for your morning coffee to brew or for your leftovers to heat up in the microwave, do squats or calf raises in order to throw in a little bit of a workout. If nothing else, it’s better than standing still or sitting down.

6. Netflix and DO SOMETHING!

If you’re watching a ton of episodes of your latest favorite Netflix show in a row, make a point to do some sort of workout while doing so. Perhaps every time your favorite character is on the screen you do jumping jacks or during every episode you challenge yourself to do 100 jumping jacks, 50 sit ups and 100 squats.

Set little fitness goals per episode to avoid getting lost in the abyss. Bonus: take your iPad or Kindle or even your phone to the gym and watch Netflix while you run on the treadmill or burn calories on the elliptical. Win-win.

7. Bring water with you everywhere.

We all know we should be drinking more water, but it’s hard to do that and it’s hard to constantly remember. I’ve noticed that when I carry my water bottle with me, I remember to drink more water. There are also apps like Plant Nanny that help you remember to drink more water. Try it!

8. Go to sleep early (if you’re really tired).

The past few days I’ve gone to sleep at 11:30, which is early for the average college student. Both of these times I said to myself, “Wow, I have so much time left in the night. I could watch Netflix or go on Tumblr!” but I chose sleep instead and it was an amazing decision. I don’t know if you know this, but getting 8 hours of sleep is an absolute blessing.

Basically, if you’re tired, go to sleep. Don’t stay up because you feel obligated or you feel weird about going to sleep early. On the other hand, don’t force yourself to go to sleep early if you’re very much awake. This can result in tossing and turning and a lack of sleep.

9. Eat slowly.

I’ve noticed that when I eat meals with friends where I’m talking and focusing on more than my food, I eat much slower and thus feel fuller on less food. On the other hand, if I eat a meal while watching Netflix, I tend to eat mindlessly eat and eat more than I would have more quickly. Try to eat meals with friends or to set time aside to eat your meals rather than eating them while multi-tasking.

10. Distract yourself from snacking.

If you feel the urge to snack, distract yourself or inhibit yourself. Paint your nails–you wouldn’t dare risk ruining your nails by eating chips! Brush your teeth–you wouldn’t want to eat chocolate chip cookies while your mouth is minty fresh. Chew a piece of gum or talk on the phone; do something to distract your mouth and your mind from snacks.

What are some of your favorite little ways to be healthier?

Paige DiFiore Post Signature - Eyeliner Wings & Pretty Things

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