2 year blogaversary + my favorite posts

blogaversary 2 years

I don’t normally post things like this and I hate when people start posts by saying “I don’t normally post things like this” but, alas, here I am. Two years! I started this blog two years ago. I was sitting on the couch in my living room, a few days in at my very first NYC internship and I decided to start a blog…

I was so excited to open a fresh WordPress site and just write. Little did I know that, in just two years, my blog would be at almost a million page views (I squealed as I typed. I’m also in the library, so it was a little embarrassing) and would actually be a source of income. I’ve made more money from my blog in two years than I have working at my job as a student worker in three (yikes but also yay?).

I’ve gotten to work with companies I’d only dreamed of ever even interacting with, I’ve gotten to spice up my resume and I’ve gotten to learn so much about the blogging world. So much good has come from this blog and it makes me so happy! There’s such a feeling of pride and accomplishment (I sound so annoying, I promise I’ll go back to regularly scheduled posting next week).

Having a blog has changed my life for the better. I’m arbitrarily known on campus as “that girl with the blog” and I love it. I’m able to help others and write whatever the f*** I want. Well, I try not to use as many profanities because my parents (and my grandparents) read my blog sometimes and don’t love it. Well, two years calls for a huge HELL YES!

I’m not entirely sure what the purpose of this post was–I’m sure you were hoping for something helpful or tips for starting your own blog but the only advice I have at the moment is: just do it. 

There have been so many times where I felt like I was in a rut or that I whined to boyfriend about wanting to just quit. It’s overwhelming sometimes having to balance this with everything else happening in my life, but it’s always been worth it. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever stayed committed to something longer than I have my blog. It’s my longest standing relationship to date and I’m happy about it.

Anyway, I figured I would take the time to share some of my all time favorite posts I’ve written for the blog. They may not always be the most popular posts, but they’re my personal favorites. Here they are:

10 Ways You’re Sabotaging Yourself + How to Stop

12 Things My First Internship Taught Me

The Ultimate Guide to De-Cluttering Your Wardrobe

12 Ways to be Less of An Ass Hole

The Ultimate Guide to Being Money Smart in College

and, of course, one of my absolute all time favorites:

13 Ways to Get Your Shit Together

Also, in case you’re curious what the people tend to flock to, versus what I like the most, here is my most popular post of all time: 12 Things You’ll Forget to Pack For College.

Another fun fact, a lot of people are apparently wondering: Does He Like Me? because since the day I wrote this post in January 2016, this post is viewed multiple times every day. I always find that comforting because I feel like a lot of us are constantly asking that exact question. You’re certainly not alone if my blog stats have anything to say about it.

I guess if you’ve been reading my blog, whether from the very first post or even if you’ve happened upon it accidentally, thank you. Thank you for making me feel like I’m not just screaming (or typing) into the void. I hope I’ve helped you somehow, even if just by helping you procrastinate your Calculus homework.

This is such a sappy post. Sometimes I’m sappy, I feel like my child just turned two. eyeliner wings & pretty things is a huge part of my life and thanks for being part of the journey. Hope I’ve helped you along somehow.

Paige DiFiore Post Signature - Eyeliner Wings & Pretty Things

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2 Thoughts on “2 year blogaversary + my favorite posts

  1. Congrats on 2 years! I’m coming up on my one year anniversary in June. I’m so excited to see what happens in the next few years. Who are the sponsors for the sponsored posts?


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