Tag Archives: Video

I’m 21! 21 Lessons Learned in 21 Years + What I’m Looking Forward to


When I turned 19, I made a bunch of “Things to do before 20” post and when I turned 20, I followed up on that post but didn’t make new goals. You know, it’s fine. Though I don’t have any goals, I feel like I’ve accomplished so much in the past year. I’ve made so many strong connections with friends and professors. I’ve been getting grades I’m proud of and fixing my resume. I killed my final senior presentation…

This is my last birthday in college and it’s one of the last few “big” birthdays. Twenty-one! I can legally drink now, weee-ooo. I was a bit stumped for post ideas and so I decided to make a video and half of a blog post. I find that I’m particularly introspective and interesting when I’m talking about life lessons versus writing about them. Hopefully, they’ll be helpful to you, too.

And now, here are some things I’m looking forward to now that I’m twenty-one. Although not all of these are related to being twenty-one, a lot of them are just coming up soon!

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