Tag Archives: Tips For Studying For Finals

Study Tip: The Priority Ranking

Finals week is upon us (or quickly approaching us) and we all have a lot of studying to do. In fact, I should be studying right now but I decided to start a blog and obsess over that and also go to the NCAA lacrosse game at my school tonight and also get half-off appetizers at Applebee’s.

BUT, I have finished most of my study guides, so technically I’m not procrastinating too badly. Do as I say, not as I do, folks. Here is my biggest tip for studying for finals (dun dun dunnn):

Rank your Priorities!

Study Tip: The Priority Ranking // eyeliner wings & pretty things

I created a pretty and handy little guide for this. Calculate the points for all of your classes and start studying in order of highest points to lowest points. This study tip is perfect for ending your procrastination reign *cough cough* and probably mine.