Tag Archives: Things I Wish I’d Packed For College

16 College Essentials I Wish I’d Packed Sooner

16 College Essentials I Wish I'd Packed Sooner - Things I forgot to pack for college - college packing list

I began college as the queen of packing things I don’t need and I’m ending it as the queen of packing a LOT of crap, but a lot of it’s fairly important crap. I’ve certainly gotten better at narrowing down what’s essential and what isn’t.

I’ve also had a lot of  “I wish I’d thought of that sooner!” moments, especially when it comes to college essentials. Whether I see my friends using something I’d never thought to use in college or I have a divine revelation while browsing Pinterest, I’ve certainly discovered new college essentials along the way.

There are so many things that I wish I’d bought sooner for college, and as I near the end of college I’ve started to reflect on it. After four years, it’s fairly clear to me how many things I really didn’t need to pack for college and how many things I’m very glad I did. Here are some of those things. Hopefully you’ll get these essentials sooner than I did!

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