Tag Archives: Self Help

6 tips for dealing with uncertainty

Tips for dealing with uncertainty - how to deal with uncertainty / ew & pt

hate uncertainty.

Funny enough, I enjoy surprises. But, surprises make me anxious. And that’s a special exception when it comes to uncertainty.

If there’s a plan, I want to know where it is, what time it’s at and who’s going to be there. If I plan a trip, I need color-coded spreadsheets and itineraries. Specific dates and times are everything,

I’m a bit type A in the sense that I love having a plan, following the plan, and being done with it. That being said, I can appreciate spontaneity  — but nine times out of 10, I’m going to choose structure. I am someone who craves stability and certainty.

In life, especially post-grad life, so much is uncertain! Jobs, living situations, finances, and even where you could be in a month are somewhat up in the air.

Needless to say, I haven’t been handling it incredibly well.

But, I have discovered some strategies that are gradually helping me deal with uncertainty Here are some tips for dealing with uncertainty without losing your mind.

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How to Take Control of Your Life

How to Take Control of Your Life - Taking Control of Your Life // eyeliner wings & pretty things

My desk is almost to the point of being unusable. I am typing with my laptop dangling off of the edge with my arm leaning on a notebook. The notebook is filled with a list of ways I might be able to add another minor to my plate in my last semester of senior year. My desk is also full of six sticky notes with reminders and notes to myself, my planner, a to-do list, another to-do list, two bananas, a master to-do list, a journal, an open textbook with the reading assignment not yet completed, two workouts I printed but have not done, a magazine, a night cream sample and a mirror, which also has a sticky note stuck to it, reminding me to do laundry.

With all of that being said, and wow, it’s a lot, I feel like I’m seriously taking control of my life. These past few weeks have been incredibly busy and overwhelming, but I feel powerful. The upcoming weeks are no better. Taking control of your life doesn’t always mean having a clean desk, an empty calendar and everything figured out. In fact, that’s a rare thing in life. Chaos can’t necessarily be avoided, but taking control of your life can certainly make managing the chaos a lot easier. Here are a few ways to do just that.

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How to be More Easygoing

How to be More Easygoing // eyeliner wings & pretty things

One of the last things someone would call me is easygoing. Or quiet, it depends on who you ask. I’m not particularly difficult but I’m certainly not easygoing. If there’s a sudden plan thrown at me or things take a turn I didn’t prepare for, I’m usually visibly thrown. When I’m asked to do something that I don’t entirely want to do or had planned to do, I’ll definitely hesitate before saying, “Yes, I guess so.”

But, I’ve noticed I surround myself with easygoing people. The people closest to me have always responded to my plans and half-baked ideas with, “Okay, let’s do it!” They carry on with nothing less than enthusiasm and easygoingness. There’s this theory that we become a mix of the five people we’re closest to and, while I don’t entirely believe it, I have found that people I love the most have qualities I admire. I wish I was as positive and enthusiastic about spontaneous plans and things I’m unsure of. So, in typical fashion, I’m writing an advice sort of post that’s also directed toward myself. From what I’ve observed and researched, here’s how to be more easygoing or at least here’s how to start the journey towards becoming just that.

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