Tag Archives: Packing For College

16 College Essentials I Wish I’d Packed Sooner

16 College Essentials I Wish I'd Packed Sooner - Things I forgot to pack for college - college packing list

I began college as the queen of packing things I don’t need and I’m ending it as the queen of packing a LOT of crap, but a lot of it’s fairly important crap. I’ve certainly gotten better at narrowing down what’s essential and what isn’t.

I’ve also had a lot of  “I wish I’d thought of that sooner!” moments, especially when it comes to college essentials. Whether I see my friends using something I’d never thought to use in college or I have a divine revelation while browsing Pinterest, I’ve certainly discovered new college essentials along the way.

There are so many things that I wish I’d bought sooner for college, and as I near the end of college I’ve started to reflect on it. After four years, it’s fairly clear to me how many things I really didn’t need to pack for college and how many things I’m very glad I did. Here are some of those things. Hopefully you’ll get these essentials sooner than I did!

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How to Avoid Over-Packing for College

How to Avoid Over-Packing for College - How to Pack For College // eyeliner wings & pretty things

This is coming from the Queen of over-packing herself. It took two car trips to get my stuff two and from school. I’m a junior now and I think I know better. Basically this post has risen from my mistakes with over-packing that has led to me having too much stuff, not being able to close my dresser drawers, having to throw away things because they wouldn’t fit in my car and so on.

Anyway, I’m making a change this year and in order to avoid over-packing for college I’m going to make a post about it and then follow it so I won’t be a hypocrite xoxo.

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10 College Essentials Under $10

10 College Essentials Under $10 - Things to pack for college // eyeliner wings & pretty things

Packing for college is expensive as hell, there’s no getting around it. Luckily these college essentials are all under $10 which means your wallet can forgive you.

Carolyn from Diary of a Tall Girl wrote a similar post way back when and I thought it was such a cool idea that I had to challenge myself to do the same. I mean, under ten bucks seems incredibly reasonable and these odds and ends are definitely affordable essentials. I was very careful not to make this the same as my 12 Things You’ll Forget to Pack for College because that list is definitely more obscure. These are also things you’d probably forget to pack for college, but they’re definitely essentials.

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