Tag Archives: Living

How to Take Control of Your Life

How to Take Control of Your Life - Taking Control of Your Life // eyeliner wings & pretty things

My desk is almost to the point of being unusable. I am typing with my laptop dangling off of the edge with my arm leaning on a notebook. The notebook is filled with a list of ways I might be able to add another minor to my plate in my last semester of senior year. My desk is also full of six sticky notes with reminders and notes to myself, my planner, a to-do list, another to-do list, two bananas, a master to-do list, a journal, an open textbook with the reading assignment not yet completed, two workouts I printed but have not done, a magazine, a night cream sample and a mirror, which also has a sticky note stuck to it, reminding me to do laundry.

With all of that being said, and wow, it’s a lot, I feel like I’m seriously taking control of my life. These past few weeks have been incredibly busy and overwhelming, but I feel powerful. The upcoming weeks are no better. Taking control of your life doesn’t always mean having a clean desk, an empty calendar and everything figured out. In fact, that’s a rare thing in life. Chaos can’t necessarily be avoided, but taking control of your life can certainly make managing the chaos a lot easier. Here are a few ways to do just that.

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