Tag Archives: Getting A Job In College

9 Ways to Prep for the Job Search (While in College)

9 Ways to Prepare for the Job Search While in College - Tips for Job Searching - Job Search Tips in College - ew & pt

As many of you know, I’m a senior in college which means that A.) Yay! I’m almost done with college and B.) Oh my GOD! I have to be a real adult with a real job and school is over forever. It’s a very tense time and a delicate balance of panic and excitement…but mostly panic. One of the pressing matters on hand in college is, of course, finding a job. Job searching in college is incredibly stressful because, unlike finding an internship, you have to try to find something that’ll last more than a few months. You also need to up the ante a little bit when it comes to resumes, recommendations and using connections.

It’s a lot to do and it’s very draining, which means starting early is going to really pay off. Your future, post-grad self will definitely thank you. Here are some ways to kick off the job search while you’re still in college.

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