10 Spring Wardrobe Essentials

Spring Wardrobe Essentials // eyeliner wings & pretty things

Spring is finally here! The weather is finally not cold enough to make one wish for hellfire. Pastels are finally socially acceptable again and let me tell YOU, no matter how ghastly pale I am I will be rocking pastels all season long. In fact, as I type, my nails are a light pastel green and my toes are polished with pastel blue.

Anyway, Spring means warmer clothes, pastels and the works. Here are some spring wardrobe essentials to help you prepare your wardrobe for warmer, greener seasons.

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How to Deal With Being Sick In College

How to Deal With Being Sick In College // eyeliner wings and pretty things

Being sick (obviously) sucks, but being sick in college is way worse. You’re surrounded by people and trying to juggle schoolwork, social plans and sleep deprivation while also trying to get better ASAP without losing your mind. While this post won’t magically cure whatever you have, it will definitely help make your being sick in college experience a little bit more bearable.

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5 Common Roommate Problems & Solutions

5 Common Roommate Problems & Solutions // eyeliner wings & pretty things
Living with someone else is never an easy feat. While there are plenty of ways to be a good roommate, there’s no way to avoid roommate problems entirely. Whether these problems are minor or major, they still exist and should be dealt with properly in order to avoid a total catastrophe. Let’s be real–you can print and sign all of the roommate contracts in the world but I promise it will most likely end up being a forlorn piece of paper that ends up getting lost behind your mini fridge or never looked at again. Roomie contracts are a great idea in theory, but aren’t most things?

On that note also, passive aggressive notes are never the answer either, and tolerating major problems for the sake of avoiding confrontation isn’t the solution either. Whether your roommate is a stranger from the other side of the world, an acquaintance or your best friend, here are some potential ways to solve common roommate problems.

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