The Ultimate Guide to A College Night In

The Ultimate Guide to A College Night In

I’m a huge proponent of the idea of a “college night in” because as much as getting all dolled up and putting heels on is fun, it’s also fun to sit on the couch in your pajamas eating junk food and playing board games.

Now, for a night in, there’s a fine line between FOMO-filled boringness and a grand ‘ol time. The people, obviously, are crucial but there are other elements that must be on point for the perfect night. Here’s how to get them just right…

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College Gift Guide: Unique Gift Ideas for College Students

College Gift Guide: Unique Gift Ideas for College Students

Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means that if you click on a product link, I may receive compensation. This compensation comes at no additional cost to you, and as always I only recommend products I trust! 

Ahh, gift giving. It’s easily one of the most rewarding but equally stressful things in the world. It can be extra stressful if you have no idea what to give someone. Instead of opting for a generic gift card, try out some of these gift ideas for college students (or any age, really).

Whether you’re looking for ideas for gifts to give to others or you yourself are looking for ideas for what to put on your wishlist, this college gift guide is perfect.

P.S. Also check out last year’s College Girl’s Ultimate Gift Guide for even more ideas!

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Classes

How to Get the Most Out of Your Classes // eyeliner wings & pretty things

So this isn’t necessarily about Getting Straight A’s, it’s more about actually gaining something of value. Grades are important but it’s also important to get the most out of your classes, especially because they’re most likely expensive as hell. They also take up a huge chunk of time in your life and if you’re going to be spending time and money, you definitely want to be adding something valuable to your life!

They also take up a huge chunk of time in your life and if you’re going to be spending time and money, you definitely want to be adding something valuable to your life! Sometimes the classes you predict will be the most irrelevant and asinine end up being the classes that help better your life or help you gain knowledge you can use in the future. For me, the class I thought would be a waste of my life was Community Psychology and it ended up shifting my perspective, teaching me lessons that I can apply to real life and I even ended up using it as inspiration for some blogs and articles!

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10 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

10 Ways to Stop Procrastinating // eyeliner wings & pretty things

This post is a paradox because it’s about tips to stop procrastinating but reading blog posts online (which you probably found because you were on Pinterest, no less) is procrastinating in and of itself. That’s okay, though, after this you’re going to exit Pinterest and get some books out, right?

So I’m going to give you some tips to end procrastination but if these don’t work and you are going to procrastinate, you might as well Procrastinate Productively. Ahem. This isn’t about that, though, today you’re going to stop procrastinating and get things DONE! Let’s jump in.

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